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Experimental Drawing & Painting: 10 week course

  • Paddock Art Studios Paddock Lane Lewes, BN7 1TW United Kingdom (map)

A Sense of Creativity

January 17 – March 21

Fridays 10.30 – 1

Paddock Art Studios, Paddock Lane, Lewes, BN7 1TW (map)

Opening to our senses can undoubtedly stimulate our creative flow. Particular smells bring back childhood memories; music or sounds of nature evoke an ambience we can reflect on with colour, line & shape; touching, seeing & moving connect us to the world around us inviting a personal creative response.

During this course we will play with our responses to the senses, exploring a range of materials, approaches and techniques – drawing, painting, collage, mixed media, printmaking. We will gather work through these processes and develop them in exciting and experimental ways. The course is structured with plenty of scope for your unique artistic expression and is open to all levels of prior experience, including none! The key emphasis is on relaxing & dropping into the ‘now’ of the playful creative process. Each session will start with a short guided meditation.

Cost £240 includes materials & refreshments

Limited concession spaces available £220

Please email for more information or to reserve your place

*All participants need to join LADVAA which cost £20 pa. Please apply LADVAA On-Line registration form 2024

March 15

MEANDER: Land + Water

April 19

Experimental Life Drawing